Raw Cotton Bale
Raw Cotton Bale

Cotton Bales it is cotton packed in bales form. This cotton says as Shankar-6 variety, it is produced in only Gujarat (India). Cotton bales are a result of Ginning and Pressing Process of cotton. Our Ginning Unit separate cotton fibers and seeds from Cotton crop, Wes use only best quality raw materials to ensure a highly reliable production. We taking Care during the complete mechanical process of produce Cotton bales.

Raw Cotton / Bales Storage Capacity:

Area for Raw Cotton: 20000 sq. ft. RCC Plat Form
Covered Shade for Bales: 300 x 60 sq. ft.

Characteristics (In HVI Mode) :

# Staple length : 28 mm to 30 mm
Strength : 27 to 30 gm / tex
Color Grade: 21-1, 31-1 Near about GM Grade, Reflectance- 78%, yellowness- 7.8
Microniare : 3.8 to 4.3
Uniformity Ratio : 83%+
Elongation : 5.5 to 6.5 %
Maturity : 72+ %
Trash : Below 1.5%

Comparable foreign growth:

USA Fiber Max, Acala, W. African, Australian and Brazilian cotton.

General Remark:

Shanker-6 cotton is contains less NEPS and better spinning output in comparer with other word cotton. This cotton gives more yarn output and better CSP in spinning with good dye absorption.