Spice villa export is reliable seasome seeds manufacturer in Gujarat, India.
We sell a wide range of seasome seed to our clients
Hulled sesome seed has many medifinal and heath benefits. They have high nutritional value so it has high demand. For convert natural seeds to hulled ones ,we have to remove outer layer carefully.
We provide best quality seasome seed
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India is suitable for but seasome seed for all around globe because of high quality and suitale prices.
Natural seasome seed are good source of omega 6 and fatty acid and also improve digestive system to make your healthy and fit.
Natural seasome seed is white in color.
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Black seasome seed is rich source of energy because of high fat content, They contain healthy fats like polyunsaturated fatty acids and Omega 6. They also good source of fiber,iron,calcium,magnesium and phosphorus. Black sasome seed oil also use for healthy coocking in our kitchen.
We providing best quality seasome seed to our clients.
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We are also deling with roasted seasome seed to our domestic and international clients.
We providing best quality roasted seasome seed with competative price to our clients.
The nutty flavour of roasted sesome seeds is good to add distict taste in our dishes. They are good source of vitamin B6, proten, zinc, calcium and iron.
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